˚ ✦ welcome replenishing awareness as mercury stations direct . ✦

˚ ✦ welcome replenishing awareness as mercury stations direct . ✦

Where-ever Virgo is in our natal charts will be beginning to balance and come together as, on Saturday the 16th of September Mercury Stationed direct in the humble sign of Virgo at 8 degrees. This will be an ongoing process with Mercury’s Shadow period not due to end until after the 30th of September and will still have until the 4th of October until Mercury will leave her home. Moving forward, we’re no longer scared to get things together and in order. Mutable Signs will be especially sensitive during this time, however Earth Dominants will be most aware of this energy.

The Rest of September will feel more direct as things may begin to fall into place now Mercury has joined Venus and has stationed direction. However, we may be aware of slight anxieties about moving forward at this time. It is important to remember that currently all of the Outer planets are Retrograde (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) so right now, most of the organising will be internal, until much later in the year.

Right now, we will be experiencing an reintegration what details are discovered since August. Take some time to remember the events and themes that came up around the 22nd of August-25 August, as we will be going back over these, especially on and around the 30th of September. The past 8 weeks have been encouraging us to go back and double check out facts. Virgo is a highly intuitive sign, has your gut been trying to show you some helpful truths and have you been listening? Things are still especially psychic and energetically heightened during Mercury Shadow, so, be kind to your mind and your body.

We will actually have another Mercury Retrograde in Virgo next year, in August, that will begin in Leo, the themes of this years Venus Retrograde and Leo and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo will come up again this time next year. Not until September 2024 will these themes fully integrate. Often times similar events will occur or the situation you are in will likely materialise only to a certain points, we can look to these cycles to learn and be ready for this in 2024. Look at what house Virgo is in, in your whole sign Natal chart to fully understand what area of life is being perfected, redefined and supported right now.

Communication is a theme for all Mercury Retrograde periods, regardless of how it will affect your Natal placements. During Mercury Retrograde it is encouraged to maintain a grounded position in what you share and communicate with others. The small helpful details are important during this time, so tune into what your intuition and what is being projected and assisted to lean into ease at this time. For further guidance on how this Mercury Station will be affecting you and your sign keep reading or jump now to the all 12 sign’s horoscope below! ↴

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces is opposing the Sun in Virgo exact on the 19th of September, affecting our progress, growth and commitment to the plans we have. It is important to be tuned into the subtle details coming through the commitments we’ve made and visions we have for the future, whilst also accepting the reality of what needs to be done to start to make these visions a reality, today. With an Earth Grand Trine still present in the sky, for the remainder of this Virgo Season, we can enjoy an abundance of helpful feminine energy. Within the Earth Element, this grand trine is allowing us to connect and surrender to visions, innovations and transformations internally and externally.

Read ahead now for your Rising, Sun & Moon for a comprehensive understanding of how this week’s planetary influences will be affecting you! ↴


This Mercury Retrograde has been encouraging you to express your true values and care for yourself through your work, routines and daily life, Aries. Mercury Retrograde stationing direct in Virgo will offer an opportunity for you to integrate new routines for yourself and for work, for Aries. Expect to feel more and more free as this month progress’ and this harmony settles. Aries will be feeling more secure in your work and more supported overall, by the 4th of October.


Blessings and positive conversations have been coming up since August for Taurus and Taurus Rising, that have been pushing you to perfect your craft. Expect this hard work to show rewards from 4th of October, when Mercury leaves shadow. You may be noticing these affects already revealing themselves, as there has been a positive flow of energy coming through to allow you to see the details and perfect yourself, Taurus!


Since August, Gemini has been encouraged by this Mercury Retrograde to seek new insight into your ancestors and how their lives are connected to yours. Also, during this time you may have felt the need, Gemini to surrender to the hard work that needs to be done in order for you to feel confident to move into new phases of life. Keep doing the work, now Mercury is direct, expect things to feel more free for you, especially from the 4th of October onwards. Doing this kind of work now, will leave you, Gemini feeling much more grounded and supported, overall.


Mercury stationing direct in Virgo, will be allowing Cancer and Cancer Rising to ground into the truth. Since August, Cancer has been learning more truths about themselves, and sharing more of them with others. During the Mercury Retrograde period, Cancer may have been spending time grounding into the truth and now with, Mercury direct, Cancer can begin to see the affect this has had on plans going forward. From October onwards, Cancer and Cancer Rising will feeling much more settled and grounded.


For Leo and Leo Rising, you may be beginning to recognise yourself coming back into balance. You can expect to feel more and more free and balanced as September progress. Now, Mercury is direct in Virgo, you will be able to tangibly see the details regarding the way you speak to yourself, how you value yourself and your resources. There is a flow of energy during this time to support you, to enact changes and rebalance, now you have reshuffled and recognised your worth.


Since August, Virgo has been gifted additional opportunities to go back and perfect future plans for the future. Now Mercury is stationed direct in Virgo, the information provided through-out this Retrograde will begin to show it’s affects so you can feel comfortable and grounded. There are great internal shifts being made for Virgo now, expect to feel more and more free as this month progress’ as this process settles.


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo has brought in for Libra and Libra Rising plenty of opportunities to heal and integrate and go back on healing methods that have provided support for you. There is an energy encouraging Libra and Libra Rising right now, to surrender to the hard work that needs to be done behind the scenes. With this it is important to not allow the self to get burnt out. This may be a period, up until the 4th of October ,of Solitude for Libra. Take it easy on your body and your mind, you will need the rest.


For Scorpio and Scorpio Rising now Mercury is Direct in Virgo, you can expect to welcome in a much more grounded situation for your relationships, communication, travels and hopes and dreams. Since August, Mercury Retrograde in Virgo has shared great guided information for you to achieve some big dreams, Scorpio. Now with the speedy Planet Mercury direct - you have until the 4th of October to use this grounded energy to heal deep ingrained perfectionism. Overall, you can now expect to feel more and more free to chase your dreams, Scorpio and Scorpio Rising.


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo for Sagittarius, has brought through helpful details for your routines and career and for managing money and finances. Since August, Mercury Retrograde has been offering you new routines and changes to renew and replenish your career, work routines and finances, Sagittarius. During Mercury station and up until the 4th of October, you may be choosing to invest energetically in the new work and health changes that did work for you. With the planet of Communication direct, you may feel intuitively guided or supported in your communications - especially those to do with Work!


This week, Capricorn can expect an ease of energy, allowing renewal for your healing, creativity and beliefs, finances, debt, and healing. Since August, Capricorn has been guided to surrender and allow the integration of past healing - to affect and trickle into all areas of your life. This is not a straight forward process and not all has been clear. Now, with Mercury stationing Direct, some of the reasoning behind the changes and new information coming through, you will find out has been to do with timing. Now you can expect things to fall into place for your healing, travels, studies, career, and hopes and dreams!


For Aquarius and Aquarius Rising, Mercury Retrograde in Virgo has been brining through for you, a more grounded life in the home, with your healing and with debts and others people’s money. Since August, new information has been delivered for Aquarius to support in healing and transmuting ancestral trauma as well as restricting debt and finances. You have possibly been reminded the importance of order and trusting the process through-out this time, and by the 4th of October you will realise that your patience will pay off, Aquarius!


Pisces and Pisces Rising may have had experiences of persons coming back around from the past with this Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Since August, Pisces may have been noticing ex’s or past bosses coming back around, and these circumstances have brought up so you can recognise and surrender to the hard work that needs to be done in relationship with others. Those people that have come back around and still are from 4th of October, will be great additions to your life Pisces and will allow you to feel more grounded and supported overall.

Deep dive and harness the cosmic energies at play right now to embrace your potential! Take charge of your destiny this week by seizing every opportunity that comes your way, and let the stars guide you to a future filled with fulfilment and success.

Thank you for reading this week’s Blog Post, the Weekly all 12 Sign’s Horoscope will be back from this weekend, I as always appreciate all of your support. Ready to delve deeper now, into your personal journey? Book a 1:1 reading with me today and unlock the hidden insights that will illuminate your path like never before!

I hope you enjoyed this weeks horoscope, follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/the.lunarmermaid/ for more free Astrology Content.

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