Welcome to the first instalment of Week Ahead Horoscopes for you! Jump to the End to watch along on YouTube if that is your thing!
We start this week with the Moon in Gemini. We are actively thinking about all the things and all of the emotions we have at the moment and we’re sorting these out in our heads. On 28th we have Mercury conjunct with Jupiter, overall this is an exciting energy! Then on the 31st we have Mars trine Saturn and Venus conjunct with Uranus, this is in the sky with Chiron, the wounded healer. At the moment with the Sun in Aries, all of the things we are starting, we are actively speaking about these things and we’re feeling more positive as we speak and interact in this way and share these ideas. Saturn is in the early degrees of Pisces at the moment and there is a beautiful Trine happening as Mars is now in Cancer, both of these planets are sextile the Collective North Node, so we are intuitively feeling out where we are headed. This is a ‘side stepping’ energy, so while we might not be feeling comfortable working within our intuition, it’s being encouraged now.
Saturn trine Mars in the sky, is pushing us to act on our compassion. North node is squaring Pluto as well, so there may be fears coming to the surface. It is important to check in at this time with your body to be sure you’re not taking action from fear. The Moon will be in Cancer from the 30th to the 31st so pay attention as, during this time there may be a lot of emotional shocks. We are being encouraged to tune in and fight for our comfort.
By the weekend the moon goes into Leo, where we will feel more expressive about the emotions that are bubbling. If you’re feeling charged up and lit up be sure to celebrate this.
Read ahead now for your Rising, Sun & Moon for a comprehensive understanding of how this week’s planetary influences will be affecting you!
For Aries this week, Mercury is conjunct. With Jupiter in the 1st house, so you’re actively expanding on who you are. Your self-expression is reaching new heights. You’re talking about all of the changes you have implemented to create this for yourself.
You may be feeling this week, that you need to spend more time in solitude, or at home. But Aries, you are levelling up financially! It may be this week that your personal values are being renewed. There are ideas that are finally taking new forms. You’re creating new-ness and innovating your finances! This is exciting for you Aries.
This week for Taurus, you have been working on something behind the scenes, or you may be overwhelmed with the feeling to need to hide away and take time to yourself. You are healing so much at the moment. This week you may have interesting dreams so talk these out with someone you trust, to express and share the feelings that are being brought up in your dream-spaces.
Communicating this week is coming in surrounding the new things you are creating, and the things you have been dreaming about, what your intuition is leading you towards. This communication may be taken the wrong way, so make sure you’re staying grounded.
Venus is conjunct with Uranus in your 1st house, Taurus, and that is happening to do with YOU. You may be feeling more beautiful, or feeling like you are finally getting the attention you deserve. You may be ahead of your time, take what you can get while it is here Taurus.
This week great energy is happening in networking, Gemini. An opportunity may come up, or someone may be talking to you about your hopes and dreams, or what you want to achieve. This week we have Venus conjunct with Uranus in your twelfth house, so those dreams you’ve been having, pay attention to these. These are awakening you, and they’re being blessed right now by Venus. Venus is at home in Taurus, but she is stubborn, so making sure you’re taking the time to rest because that is what is called for right now.
You may be given the chance to take an opportunity that is aligned with your intuition to do with your job or career pursuit, this will make you feel good at a gut level. Enjoy this week Ge mini!
This week looks so good for your job Cancer, you may have been learning something for your career but this is the time where you’re actually talking about what you have learnt, and you are teaching this and passing this passion on.
The Moon will be in her home over the 30th to the 31st, so it is your intuition’s time to shine, pay attention to the body during this time. Your friendships and your networks are being blessed this week, Venus is conjunct with Uranus in your 11th house, making friendships more positive for you. Along with taking action towards your dreams, this is encouraged with this energy, Cancer.
This week Leo, you may be given an opportunity for travel or to make great progress in a study outcome. There will be an opportunity this week when Mars trines with Saturn, to dissolve and remove an emotional block thanks to some action you are taking towards healing. You’re actively recognising and taking inspired action when your body needs to rest. You may be given the opportunity at work to integrate this energy and have people understand where you’re coming from.
Warm and nice energy for this week, I hope you enjoy Leo!
This week for Virgos, Mercury is conjunct with Jupiter in your 8th house, then later in the week we have Saturn making a trine in your 7th over to your 12th house, so there is hidden partnerships or hidden new beginnings in relationships occurring for you. Your new connections may be bringing in more resources and you’re feeling more directed towards taking action towards this.
Pluto has just entered your 6th house, so you’re getting ready for all of the transformations that are going to be happening for you in your day-to-day world, lean into the hermit now Virgo. You may be given a chance now to heal past relationship patterns before you can make these transformative changes for yourself.
Libra this week for you, partnerships are being blessed by this Jupiter and Mercury conjunction so you may have new discussions with your partner, or possibly business partnerships to integrate healing that you want to teach in these connections.
There is new intuition coming in for you this week Libra, and this is all to do with Work and your day-to-day routines, any action you’re taking is intuitively guided so tap into that feminine energy and allow it to flow. Venus conjoins with Uranus on the 31st, and in your 8th house, bringing in a great energy for healing Libra!
Scorpio, your day-to-day values, are being reset, or have been, and you’re actively thinking about and talking about this. You’re making the mental processes’ necessary to integrate here. There is beautiful energy in your creativity now, you might be brought an opportunity to take a study or travel pursuit for fun now!
This may be with your partner, or to do with a new business opportunity! Take a chance to show off your creative spark Scorpio!
For Sagittarius this week Jupiter is conjunct with Mercury in your fifth house of joy, this is beautiful energy to connect with artistic pursuits.
This week you will be taking action on making some more healing steps when it comes to your ancestry or do to with the Mother/mother woundings. This healing action is all going to bring in beautiful blessings to your daily sphere Sag.
For Capricorn this week there is great energy to spend time in the home. There has been nice changes happening for you, especially to do with Children. Enjoy this now while you can!
There’s a lot of communication happening for you this week, you may find yourself busy with paper work or short distance travel.
Your values are shifting Capricorn, with Venus conjunct with Uranus on the 31st there is a wildcard energy, pay attention to how any shifts are occurring within you Capricorn!
Pluto has just hit early degrees of your sign, so this is a highlight of the next 14 years of transformative energy within YOU!
This may be a busy week for you, you may be travelling a lot between the home and work or you may be communicating a lot.
This week you are being directed to use your intuition when you’re figuring out what you currently value and things you want to do with your finances going forward. Venus is conjunct with Uranus in your 4th house so there may be lovely blessings in the home with week.
You’re taking action and sharing this week Pisces. Your finances are being lit up at this time, you may be choosing to take new action in a career pursuit.
You’re being more disciplined with your spirituality this week, and you’re enjoying how this is working better for you! Venus is conjunct with Uranus in your 3rd house this week so you’re being welcomed by those around you to speak about this.
Communication hasn’t been easy for you lately with Uranus in this part of your chart, so take note of the change of energy here for you this week!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks horoscope, follow me on instagram https://www.instagram.com/the.lunarmermaid/ for more free Astrology Content.
Thanks for reading,
I love you